Friday, July 31, 2009

My first 5k!!

So it has been over a month since I ran in my 5K but I have been super busy. Moving, then not moving, then moving and now settling in. I have pics and the results. It was so fun! I am proud to say that Janora and I RAN the ENTIRE 5K! Our time was 43:07, which I thought was good considering we hadn't ran the entire week before. There were many around who ran and walked but we ran the whole thing and that was an accomplishment for us both. We even held hands as we crossed because we did the training for it together and this was icing on the cake! This is something that I will want to do again in the future!

Janora and I before the race. *Thank you truck for holding the camera up for us*

We held hands crossing the finish line! We started together and we finished together!!!

We finished! Us after the race. *Thanks to the lady who took the picture*

I can't believe I finished a 5K! I was so proud of myself!

Janora after she finished her first 5K

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Buttercup! That is awesome and I'm so excited for you! I myself have never done one and I am thinking about trying to talk myself into doing it... you're inspiring me to think about it more :)
