Sunday, October 3, 2010

1 month down....

First off...

I forgot to update you on what happened in August. Extreme Makeover Home Edition came to Pocatello!! I was able to go up and be a part of the reveal...well almost. I was there until 3 because I had to be back to work and the reveal happened at 4. BUT reality TV is not really reality. I was able to chant MOVE THAT BUS and cheer when the "limo with the family" pulled up. It was so fun but super hot that day. People were passing out and everything because they were dehydrated. I loved being able to hang out with Erika and Tiffany all day. They were able to stay until the very end...I would have too had I not had to be at work. Hopefully I will be able to see myself on TV. I think the episode is sometime this month. Here are some pictures from the day.

The 3 of us sweatin it out!

The huge house I love thee?

One of the people from ABC telling us what is going to be happening

The guy from ABC telling us when to chant and how we can't take pictures because it looks silly if we are taking pictures of them while they are filming us.

The Bus

The camera boom that went over our heads

Ed again...:)

Brad from Z103...I heart him too

Paul signing autographs before we film

Ty..can you see him in the hat? He was hard to get a pic of because once he was out there we were filming and I couldn't take pictures and then he went inside..:(

Even celebs text...Jillian Harris before filming

I have been lacking in the blogging community because on Sept 1st I started another year at The Elizabeth Academy. Wow! It has been a crazy first month. In such a short month I have had more ups and downs than a roller coaster but I know that there will be more ups in the future. I'm looking forward to October because I LOVE Halloween. I get it from mi madre...ya know? I found my costume and I'm super excited about it! I will post a pic of what I'm going to be. I also need to post pics of the rodeo Janora and I went to when the Utah State Fair was going on.

Here is my Halloween costume...of couse I will be holding apple juice!

I am also going on a LDS Single cruise in February! It is going to be so fun...I can just feel it!

More updates to come..until then I will be working like a slave to finish my Montessori training and counting down the days until I get to go home on the 13th!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I'm super jealous. I LOVE that show! And Ty. haha. That is awesome you got to be apart of it.
